& AfterPhotos
Newport Beach, CA
A 44-year-old woman with a previous breast reduction with augmentation using moderate 371 cc silicone implants five years prior, presented with asymmetry and sagging tissue (waterfall deformity with breast falling off of implants) in addition to poor shape of breasts and her areolas, requiring revision with the removal of both silicone implants and replacement with smooth round moderate projection 320 cc silicone implants along with partial capsulectomy and a vertical breast lift. About 80 grams of right breast tissue and 50 grams of left breast tissue were removed. These are her results one and a half years post operation.
Age: 44
Amount Resected Left (ccs): 50
Amount Resected Right (ccs): 80
Implant Used: Sientra
Implant Size: 320
Implant Type: Silcone
Technique Used: Vertical Lollipop Incision Technique
Years between operation and 'after' photos: 1
Months between operation and 'after' photos: 6