Active Member
Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD
Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, is an ASPS Member plastic surgeon who is board certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery® and trained specifically in plastic surgery. ASPS members operate only in accredited medical facilities, adhere to a strict code of ethics and fulfill continuing medical education requirements in plastic surgery, including training in patient safety techniques. As your medical partner, Dr. Rodriguez is dedicated to working with you to achieve your goals.
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Meet Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez has a firm commitment to safety, patient education, and surgical excellence. He has over 20 years of surgical experience to include reconstruction, microsurgery, burns, and the entire spectrum of cosmetic surgery. He specializes in combining multiple procedures in the same operative session. These include:
- Mommy Makeover
- Tummy Tuck
- Body Lift
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Fat Transfer
- Brow Lift
- Lip Lift
- Breast Lift with implants
He spends a lot of time with you in your initial consultation so that he understands the things that YOU want to change about your appearance. He listens to your needs. During your consultation he will develop a custom surgical plan which is designed just for your particular goals and body type.
Dr. Rodriguez believes that patient education and informed consent are important parts of enhancing your image. After your initial consultation, you will have a pre-operative consult so that he can review the surgical plan and prepare you for the post-operative period. On the morning of your surgery, Dr. Rodriguez will make your “surgical markings” with you in front of a mirror. Thus, you are assured of having your incision placed just where you want it.
Your cosmetic surgery is performed in his brand new State of the Art Surgical Facility which is accredited by both Medicare and the AAAASF, the gold standard for Plastic Surgery Facilities.
Following surgery you will have direct access to Dr. Rodriguez by cell phone. Dr. Rodriguez and his staff are dedicated to giving you the best possible care.
Your Consultation
Dr. Rodriguez will examine you in person, and can provide options for surgical plans. Many patients are evaluated for multiple procedure makeovers which involve combinations of procedures. Patients are welcome to bring their partner or friend to the consult.
Dr. Rodriguez performs most of his cosmetic cases at Cosmetic Surgery Facility LLC (DBA in his own Medicare Certified , AAAASF accredited Surgery Center located in Baltimore. AAAASF is the 'gold standard' of accreditation for out patient surgical centers. The Facility employs only Board Certified Anesthesiologists to administer your anesthesia. We do not use CRNA's.
Dr. Rodriguez operates at numerous Baltimore Hospitals to include GBMC, Northwest, and has clinical privileges at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Procedures Performed
Arm Lift
Body Contouring
Body Feminization
Body Lift
Botulinum Toxin
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Lift
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction
Brow Lift
Buttock Implants
Buttock Lift with Augmentation
Calf Augmentation
Cheek Augmentation
Chin Augmentation
Chin Surgery
Dermal Fillers
Deviated Septum Correction
Ear Surgery
Endoscopic Technique
Eyelid Surgery
Facial Feminization
Facial Implants
Head and Neck Cancer Reconstruction
Injectable Fillers
Lip Augmentation/Enhancement
Male Breast Reduction
Male Chest Implants
Mommy Makeover
Retin-A Treatments
Scar Revision
Skin Cancer Removal
Thigh Lift
Tummy Tuck
Wound Care
Ask a Surgeon
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.
Breast Lift without Nipple Incisions
Breast LiftMember Response:
Unfortunately there is no way to avoid incisions around the nipple for a breast lift. Breast implants can be used to inflate and somewhat lift your deflated breasts. However if your nipples are below the inframammary fold line, (where the breast meets the chest wall) you definitely also need a breast lift with the implants. As you say, in most cases any loss of sensation is usually temporary. Discuss this concern in more details with your surgeon during the consultation. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore , Maryland Plastic Surgeon
Mommy MakeoverMember Response:
There is no definitive guideline by the ASPS for BMI requirement for mommy makeovers. But most surgeons have their own guidelines. My criteria is attached here. In my own practice, I accept healthy patients with BMI less or equal to 35. However, if you are a smoker or have diabetes the BMI requirement will be stricter (lower). The type of anesthesia also plays a role in what the surgeon uses as his BMI guideline. Generally speaking, if the anesthesia is IV/propofol, and you are not intubated , the BMI can be higher. This is what I use in my practice and why I feel comfortable accepting patients with a BMI of 35. With other type of anesthesia, aka General Anesthesia, you are intubated, and a machine is breathing for you. Higher BMI's can add risk to the anesthesia complication profile with General Anesthesia. However, in summary, consider losing some weight anyways! Safer and better results! Hope this helps. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland Plastic Surgeon
Am I bottoming out ?
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
As was mentioned by another surgeon, it is hard to say without photos. However, if you are having bottoming out of breast implants, there are solutions . In my own practice, I use Durasorb® or Galaflex® for soft tissue internal bra support. This helps especially when the patient has had bottoming out of implants, or has large implants which exert more pressure on the breast tissue. Hope this helps. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland Plastic Surgeon
Tummy Tuck
Tummy TuckMember Response:
This term is likely unique to your surgeon's office. In my office there are three versions of Tummy Tuck. 1) Tummy Tuck (anterior removal of skin and tissue) 2) Extended Tummy Tuck (incision is more lateral (further out) on both sides such that it almost turns the corner on the flanks). In my own practice I do this version a lot, as it can lift the front and outer thighs slightly to improve the torso profile. I really like this version. 2) Tummy Tuck with Lateral Outer Thigh Lift (this incision does go around to the back side , but stops such that it is not a 360 degree incision. This version will give the patient not only a lift in their outer thighs, but also a lift to the buttocks. In all versions above the rectus diastasis muscle is tightened and closed shut so that the upper abdomen can be flat. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
How do I find an a surgeon experienced in a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Body ContouringMember Response:
I have just submitted a paper to the main plastic surgery journal "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" regarding safe fat grafting to the buttocks. There are many things to be aware of, not only how the fat graft is processed but also the specific technique and tissue plane of the injection.
Aesthetic Genital Plastic SurgeryMember Response:
Cosmetic surgeons are not certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties. They do not go through a formal residency program. You are taking your chances. The choice should be between a Board certified Plastic Surgeon who performs these procedures, or a Gynecologist who performs them. The trickiest one here is the fat grafting. Fat grafting is a very specific procedure and not many people do it well. You will just have to ask the office staff detailed questions.
Getting my body right!
Body ContouringMember Response:
hello, If you have no health issues, the BMI cut off in my surgical practice is a BMI = 35. There are rare exceptions, but I think you will get the best result by losing SOME weight first. If you were to lose 25+ pounds, we would be able to make the tummy even flatter. You do not want to be losing a LOT of weight after the procedure. Try setting a realistic goal for yourself. Write down what you eat daily, drink lots of water, and get more exercise. I see a lot of patients with BMI> 35, and the majority are consuming a huge portion of their calories with juice and soda. EVEN just switching to water, and taking more walks will help you loose weight. Having said all that, it is not too early to consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Hearing the words 'you should lose x pounds first' , can actually help you get motivated. Good luck and you are on the right path to getting there just by asking questions in this forum! cheers, Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland
Ok doctors! I had the gastric sleeve 4 and half months ago. Im down to what is where i should stay a
Breast LiftMember Response:
hi Jenna, You should wait at least one year before you have the BBL as you will continue to lose weight over the next few months. Most patients wait 18 months, but there are exceptions IF your weight has reached a plateau and stabilized. However, you may be able to have the Breast Lift sooner. In any event, I typically do not combine the BBL and the Breast Lift in the same operative session. This is primarily due to the conflicting nature of the recovery requirements. With the BBL there is no sleeping on the back for 2 weeks, which conflicts with the breast lift recovery during week 1. You can contact me via the contact form here, or by calling my office at 410-494-8100. You can arrange to have an in person or Virtual Consult. I have a ton of info about the BBL and Breast lift at my website, . Good luck and congrats on the weight loss that you have already achieved! Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland
Am I to young?
LiposuctionMember Response:
hello Marie, As other surgeons have said, you are old enough to make a decision on your own. On the other hand, you do want to have _some support_ from your family, and you do not need to do this ASAP. Having said that, ...If you are in good health, your weight and height make you a perfect candidate for the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL with Lipo 360) procedure. Given your description, another possibility is that we do a 'B'more Butt Lift' which involves only fat extraction to shape the buttocks and make them appear more pronounced. This procedure cost less and the recovery is much quicker. You are at the right place (the ASPS website) to find a qualified surgeon! You are asking all the right questions! Keep up the great research. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland
LiposuctionMember Response:
hello, It is great that you are asking about BBL risks. This procedure does carry a higher risk of complication compared to other cosmetic surgery procedures. In recent years, a high number of Pulmonary Fat Embolisms (PFE's) have been reported. This lead our ASPS society to establish a Gluteal Fat Grafting Safety Task Force. I am a member of that team and we have studied the issues and created guidance for surgeons. The good news is that the risk of this complication can be greatly reduced by following the guidance we issued. I have written extensively about this BBL safety topic on my blog. When performed correctly, the Brazilian Butt Lift is a great procedure with fantastic results ! Regarding financing, my office accepts payment plans via 4 financing companies. You can contact me via the contact form at this site. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland
FaceliftMember Response:
You may not need to get all of these procedures! It is highly possible that selecting only one or two of them will greatly improve your appearance. Have you considered that? Many patients get a LOT of bang for the buck by simply getting a brow lift, fat grafting to mid and lower face, and a lip lift, which runs about $12K total. In addition, the recovery is not that long. The best way to start the process is to consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon . Also be sure that the Surgery Center is AAAASF accredited and uses Board Certified Anesthesiologists. The surgeon you select should be able to show you LOTS of photos. Experience matters! Many surgeons offer Virtual consults , including myself. You can contact me here through this website or by calling my office. Take care and good luck. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD Baltimore, Maryland
Am I too old?
LiposuctionMember Response:
Hi, Dr. Rodriguez from Baltimore Maryland here. Your age is not as important as your general state of health and fitness. Also important is your BMI (Body Mass Index) -a measurement taking your height and weight into account. In general the higher the BMI, the higher the surgical risk. There are various surgical techniques for Tummy Tuck, and I advise you to inform yourself before going to a Plastic Surgeon so you know which questions to ask. Good luck on your journey and call us if you have any questions!
Tummy Tuck/safelipo/lipo
Tummy TuckMember Response:
hello Cathy, I am a Board Certified and have been in practice for more than 25 years, and I am located in the Baltimore area. I am also a member of the Gluteal Safety Task force, which issues recommendations for safe BBL.The combination procedure of Tummy Tuck with BBL is one that I frequently perform. This is a fantastic combination which produces a dramatic change in the body. I perform this procedure under IV Sedation , which is a milder form of anesthesia . It eliminates much of the pulmonary risks that are associated with General Anesthesia commonly used. My AAAASF accredited facility uses only Board Certified Anesthesiologists. You can schedule a Virtual Consult at my website or call my office at 410-494-8100 for an in-person consult. Good luck and be sure to consult with a surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Ricardo L Rodriguez MD
Making breast augmentation appear natural
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
You may have a capsular contracture. If that is so you will need a capsule release with either fat injection or use of an acellular dermal matrix to provide extra space in the pocket.
Gallbladder surgery
Tummy TuckMember Response:
It is a relative contraindication if you are using traditional techniques that undermine to the level of the costal (rib) margins. If you use the Lockwood technique that undermines only the central part of the abdomen it is not a contraindication because the skin retains a better vascular supply. To understand how that is done you could look at videos I have posted online at my Instagram account (Cosmetisurg) that show the actual surgical dissection used and how it preserves vascular supply.
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
Just as important as pricing is how the procedure is done. Not all fat grafting techniques are the same or as effective. There is great experimental evidence that very small graft particles have better survival rate and less complications.
Before and after patient photos from Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez. Use the menu to filter by procedure.

Breast Augmentation

Buttock Implants

Breast Lift

Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction

Tummy Tuck


Breast Implant Revision

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement

Brow Lift
Payment Options
- Cash or Personal Checks
- Medicare
- Patient Financing
- Medicare