American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Facial Implants

Facial Balancing and Enhancing

Facial implants are used to bring balance to the appearance of your face. These implants are commonly used to enhance the chin, jaw and/or cheeks.

What words should I know about facial implants?

Biocompatible materials

Synthetic or natural material used in facial implants and designed to function along with living tissue.

External incisions

Surgical incisions made on the surface of your skin.

General anesthesia

Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.

Intraoral incisions

Surgical incisions made inside the mouth.

Intravenous sedation

Seatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax.

Local anesthesia

A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain.


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