American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

Benefits of Membership

ASPS is the recognized voice of plastic surgery for the public, organized medicine, industry and government, and works to position its members for success in a highly competitive environment through educational forums and the development of guidelines and products to enhance the profession.

No other specialty organization offers the indispensable features and benefits that ASPS offers its members.

ASPS provides a wide range of benefits designed to support its members' needs from residency through retirement. Benefits vary by membership category, but include the following:

Educational Publications and Subscriptions

  • Subscription to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS)*
  • Subscription to Plastic Surgery News (PSN)*
  • Subscription to ASPS Education Network (ASPS EdNet)
  • Subscription to Resident Education Curriculum (REC)

Website and Find a Surgeon

  • Inclusion in the Find a Surgeon referral service hosted on the ASPS website***
  • Members-only use of
  • Listed in the online ASPS/PSF Member Roster

Educational Meetings & Services

  • Discounted registration for meetings and symposia, including Plastic Surgery The Meeting and others
  • May present papers and participate in discussions at Plastic Surgery The Meeting
  • Member discounts on educational preparation services and instructional testing (In-Service Exam)

Member Recognition

  • Use of the ASPS Symbol of Excellence® to promote ASPS membership on marketing materials***

Products and Services

  • Member prices on ASPS products and services
  • Member prices on patient education materials

Membership Privileges

  • Inclusion in specialty programs and initiatives
  • CME tracking
  • May hold office and serve on committees**
  • Attend and vote**** at the Society's business meetings

*International Members receive the electronic subscription for PRS and PSN

**Dependent upon membership category

***Limited to Active Member status (board certified in the United States and Canada) and International Member status outside the United States and Canada

****Limited to Active Member status (board certified in the United States and Canada)